Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Trainer Tuesday: What is your most effective workout routine when you only have 20 minutes?

Trainer Tuesdays

Welcome back to the weekly edition on Trainer Tuesdays. Make sure to check in at our blog every Tuesday evening to learn the expertise of our great staff. Aside from being fantastic exercise coaches, they are also extremely knowledgeable in many aspects of health and fitness; so, it's time that you get to know them a little better! Each week, we will post a frequently asked, or sometimes just a fun fitness related question followed by the answers of each of the trainers at Fitness Together Brecksville.

What is your most effective workout routine when you only have 20 minutes?

Lisa Clark: As much as I love going for a nice long bike ride or the feeling of a good long workout,
Kettlebell swings are one of trainer Lisa Clark's go-to exercises
there are days when I just don't have enough time for a lengthy workout. On those days I like to grab a kettlebell and start swinging! Kettlebell swings work many different muscles in the body, plus you get the benefit of the cardio workout it provides! During a kettlebell workout you can burn approximately 20 calories per minute, which is equivalent to running a 6 min mile! They are also convenient since they are small and can be done just about anywhere. Which in my opinion makes it a perfect addition to any workout, or an entire workout of its own! Next time you are limited on time, try grabbing a kettlebell and start swinging one of the oldest pieces of exercise equipment around!

Monika Cotter: One of my favorite workouts to do is interval training. It is nice to use when I only have 20 minutes or so. I like to do a good mix of weights, cardio, plyometrics, reps and timed drills. The great thing about interval training is you can make it your own. Plyometrics for 30 seconds, weighted squats for 15 seconds and then rest for 20 seconds; or you can stick to the true Tabata ratio which is 20 seconds of exercise and 10 seconds of rest for 8 rounds. Whatever you can come up with you can do! Make it fun, effective and a great workout in a short amount of time.

Mix in plyometrics for effective, short interval training!
Steven Madden: When I only have twenty minutes to workout, I like to do intervals.  Find a hill that takes you about 10 seconds to run up.  After walking for a five minuet warm up, sprint up the hill as hard as you can.  When you reach the top, walk back down.  As soon as you hit the bottom, sprint back up.  Do this 8-12 times and then walk 5 more minutes for a cool down.  If you don't like to run, try 8-12 rounds of burpees for 30 seconds followed by 30 seconds of rest.  Jump squats, jumping split squats, pull-ups, or push up will also work.  Just remember a 5 min warm up and cool down.

Justin Traft: If I only have 20 minutes for a workout. I'll usually do a quick complex or I'll do a mix of resistance bands and body weight movement to get a equal workout of upper and lower. Key is break only for a little water. Maximizing the sweat and muscle burn. Getting the most I can from the 20 minutes

Adam Teplitz: If you're running short on time, a quick 20 minute workout can be just as effective as a slow and steady long one. The key is to get the most out of the workout and keep the heart rate elevated. The best way to go about doing this is to complete intervals. Calories are burned during the workout and after the workout. Due to excess post exercise oxygen consumption from interval training, your metabolism is elevated for an additional 24 to 48 hours. Just because you're running short on time, you still can get a fun and effective workout in.

Kelly Bailey: We are all short on time these days, but the worst thing you can do is skip a workout just because you only have 20 minutes. Don't take the all-or-nothing approach to exercise...putting yourself first for 20 minutes on a busy day can be just the right medicine to deal with the stress of a busy life. A perfectly effective workout can be achieved in 20 minutes! When I only have 20 minutes I usually choose one of two workouts -- If I'm looking for a good workout that's not going to get me too sweaty, I go with core work. If I'm looking for a fat-blasting, leg-shaking sweat session, I'll do a high intensity interval workout like sprints on the bike or treadmill.

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Saturday, May 23, 2015

Prep for Running Season with the Personal Trainers at Fitness Together Brecksville

Prep for Running Season with the Personal Trainers at Fitness Together Brecksville!

If you couldn't tell by now, running season is in full swing. In just about every town, on any street, you’ll find someone running. If you haven’t laced up your shoes yet, here a few tips to help you prep for the season.  

Do More than Run 
Running is great, but if you are only running, it can be hard on your body. Try incorporating weight training and cardio, along with gradual conditioning to help avoid injury, exhaustion, and fatigue. 

Give Yourself Time to Train 
Depending on how fit you are, Fitness Together® trainers recommend training at least eight to 12 weeks before a race. Start small with your workouts and progressively increase your training before cutting back just before the race. It’s also good to use weights and bands to incorporate resistance training into your routine, which will balance your body since running is one forward movement. 

Mix Up the Cardio 
Yes, the goal is to run a longer distance, but it is good to mix up your cardio training. Try incorporating biking, swimming and interval training into your race training. 

Eat Well and Hydrate 
Even if you are new to running, you’ve probably heard how important staying hydrated is for your body. Prior to a race, you should be drinking water that is half of your body weight in ounces. In addition to hydrating properly you should be eating healthy as well. You should eat 50 percent carbohydrates, 30 percent protein and 20 percent fat leading up to your race. 

A Good Warm-up is Key
Warm-ups before your run training and race are important to avoid injury or pain after your run. However, it’s important to note that you should not be static with your warm ups. Try doing hip flexes, jumping jacks, lateral swings, toe touches and squats are a few warm-up stretches you can try. These exercises help get the blood flowing to your major muscle groups. 
If you are just starting out on your first 5k or training for a marathon, use these tips from Fitness Together trainers to help you with your run training. With proper training, stretching, diet, and hydration, you can limit the risk of injury and run better on race day. A Fitness Together personal trainer can help educate and guide you in meeting your personal fitness goals.

© 2015 Fitness Together, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Powered by Fusionbox.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Trainer Tuesdays: What motivates YOU during your personal workouts when you feel like giving up on the last set?

Trainer Tuesdays

Welcome back to the weekly edition on Trainer Tuesdays. Make sure to check in at our blog every Tuesday evening to learn the expertise of our great staff. Aside from being fantastic exercise coaches, they are also extremely knowledgeable in many aspects of health and fitness; so, it's time that you get to know them a little better! Each week, we will post a frequently asked, or sometimes just a fun fitness related question followed by the answers of each of the trainers at Fitness Together Brecksville.

What motivates YOU during your personal workouts when you feel like giving up on the last set?

Jessica Regula: Despite what some people believe, we personal trainers can have a hard time with motivation too (we're still humans!) One of the biggest motivators for me, is my playlist.  If I feel like I'm losing steam in my workout, I need to find a darn good song ASAP to finish off that set!  Another thing that I like to do is visualize.  Visualization is a powerful thing.  If I find that I'm lacking the will to finish my workout, I think about all the good that I am doing my body and, the more superficial thoughts too of course.  Then, as I'm doing my last set, I really focus on contracting that muscle and thinking about what it is going to look like more toned and defined.  It sounds kind of weird, but it works every time.  And, lastly, if I have an event coming up (like my best friend's wedding!)  I find that I'm able to push myself through that last set rather well when I think about that particular event (or in this case, my bridesmaid dress!) Find what works for you--you can do it!!

Brecksville Personal Trainer Justin Traft doing the chest fly
Justin Traft: Great question I get from a lot of my clients… What motivates me when sometimes I feel like I can't go on and finish? My burning motivation is I never want to go back to being overweight like I was before. How I felt about myself was enough to keep me going all the time. I always remember how people would make fun of me when I was younger or how I got passed up playing sports because I was overweight. Every time I get to that point of can't finish I just think about that and it fuels me to work hard and push more. Not only do I take that concept during my workouts but in life too. I am a go getter and I work for everything I have. An I wouldn’t change it.

Adam Teplitz: Training your mind is just as important as training your muscles. Having that positive mindset can be the difference between another average workout and taking it to the next level. It's that same mindset that motivates me to get those extra reps and sets in. I'm constantly pushing my body's limits during my workouts and the only way to do that is to grind out that last set.

 Monika Cotter: It is so hard sometimes to get thorough that last set. I am tired, I am usually running late and sometimes I just don't want to. But then I remember my goal for that month.  Every month I make myself a few goals. It can vary from losing 1/4 of an inch, fitting into a certain bathing suit to curling a 20lb for so many reps, but remembering that goal gets me to push past my limits and get that last set/rep in. So if you are working out without one of Fitness Togethers fablous trainers giving you encouragement just remember your goals and why you started and that will help you push through!

Joshua Teplitz: When I'm struggling on my last set, it's usually music that gives me the extra edge.  Finding a good rhythm is extremely important during a workout, so the pace of the music you listen to is more important than you think.  Try to choose something that is upbeat and positive, as certain songs can naturally help to release endorphins that can supply your body with that extra boost.

Kelly Bailey: Maybe it's my tendency toward perfectionism, but I have always been intrinsically motivated to exercise and complete even the hardest of workouts. The psychological strain of NOT completing the last set is far worse for me than the discomfort I feel during that last set! The last time I gave up during a workout was only because I felt that continuing would leave me injured. A great motivator for me is telling myself this: I would make my client finish this set....so I'm going to finish this set!

Terry Crews says the gym is his Spa Therapy. Steven Madden agrees
StevenMadden: What helps motivate me when experiencing those last couple of hard sets and/or reps is actually my mental health. We all know exercise releases endorphins that can make you feel better, but that isn't quite what I mean.  In an interview once Terry Crews explained that he goes to the gym every day because that is his "spa therapy."  I really feel the same way.  I'm not just working out my body, I'm relaxing.  Obviously, not in the moment where I have to put up the weight, but the workout in general. I always feel better after a workout, even more so when I didn't give up on a set or a few reps when I know I still have it in me to finish.

Lisa Clark working with her personal trainer

Lisa Clark: Even though I am a trainer, I am not any different than anyone else. I need motivation to even start a workout some days. And I know what exercises I like and which ones I would be hard pressed to force myself.  Therefore I am proof that even a trainer needs a trainer! I love having someone else watching my form, making sure I am going deep enough with my squats, and to make sure I finish all my reps even when I am tired and would probably quit if I was on my own! I find that it really helps to have someone else there to hold me accountable for my reps and to give me encouragement and a push to finish the entire workout even when I am exhausted.

Sean Sullivan: As the saying goes, “The only person you should try to be better than is yourself from
Fitness Together owner Sean Sullivan getting his reps in
yesterday”. I believe that my best days are still ahead of me, and I try to keep my focus on that approach when I’m exercising--- striving for progress. That being said, there are days when I get through a couple sets of my exercise circuit when I’m sweating, out of breath, and my muscles are burning. At that point, even as a fitness professional, it is easy to tell myself  “okay that’s good enough for today” however another saying says “Don’t stop when you’re tired, stop when you’re done!” One of my big motivators at that point of my workout is my clients and my staff. I start to feel a little funny when I see a client or someone on my staff doing a workout that I’m not too sure I could handle; or when I see a client lifting as much weight as I can lift. That keeps me on my toes and keeps me motivated to stay at least one step ahead of the game. Who knows, when one of our clients becomes stronger than me, maybe they will start training me instead?! Which brings me to another great motivator---a workout buddy! Whether I put myself on the schedule with a personal trainer at Fitness Together, or I have a friend or family member to workout with me; having another person involved always helps me to press on. I wouldn’t want to look like a quitter in front of my friend or family member. There are many motivators in life; just make sure you find what works for you and never give up on your dreams!  

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