Tuesday, March 29, 2016

What is a Good Workout For the Lower Back?

Trainer Tuesdays

Welcome back to the weekly edition on Trainer Tuesdays. Make sure to check in at our blog every Tuesday evening to learn the expertise of our great staff of expert personal trainers. Aside from being fantastic exercise coaches, they are also extremely knowledgeable in many aspects of health and fitness; so, it's time that you get to know them a little better! Each week, we will post a frequently asked, or sometimes just a fun fitness related question followed by the answers of each of the personal trainers at Fitness Together Brecksville.

What is a Good Workout For the Lower Back? 

Amanda Ricci: According to UNC School of medicine “Low back pain is the second most common cause of disability in the United States and a common reason for missing work.”  Back pain is common problem in the United States, and it can be caused by sitting too much as well as muscle imbalances and tightness. Carey and Freburger noted that “80 percent of Americans will experience low back pain at some time in their lives and the total costs of the condition are estimated at greater than $100 Billion annually, with two-thirds of that due to decreased wages and productivity.” (Freburger. Chronic low back pain on the rise: UNC study finds ‘alarming increase’ in prevalence, 9 Feb. 2009. Web.29 March 2016 www.med.unc.edu)  With that kind of expense to remedy lower back pain, it is important to not just find a quick fix, when trying to alleviate it.  Instead, we want that pain to dissipate permanently. Like any solution that works it may take time to strengthen that lower back. 
 When experiencing lower back pain it is important to incorporate exercises in your workout that do not place any pressure or stress on the lower back.  Some great exercises for the lower back include: Deadlifts, Good mornings, hyperextensions, partial crunches, single leg raises while lying on your back.  Exercises that you may want to avoid are: toe touches, leg raises, and full crunches.  If you are experiencing any back pain it is important to inform your personal trainer of this problem.  If there is any exercise that does aggravate your lower back tell your trainer so that they can first check your form to ensure that you are performing the exercise correctly.  They can also note any types of muscle imbalances that you might have and assist you in correcting them.  Therefore, since each individual may have muscle imbalances in different muscles your trainer is the best person to create a workout for you that will correct this. They also may be able to provide you with other tips to incorporate in your lifestyle on a daily basis that will help to take some pressure off your lower back.  When performing the exercises it can sometimes be difficult to translate the difference between discomfort or good pain, and even the bad pain.  While doing the exercises you should be prepared for your body to go through some changes and feel muscles working that you may have not used in a while.  This can sometimes feel awkward but this is why it is important to trust your trainer as well as perform the exercises with good form so that you can prevent injury. 

Fitness Together Personal Trainer Sean Sullivan demonstrating a Superman
Justin Traft: So everyone always asks what's a good lower back exercise. I have many favorites. First one that comes to mind is called Goodmornings--- great to help build up your lower back muscle strength. Another favorite of mine is stability ball back extensions or bench back extension. You can use a barbell plate or a dumbbell... even a medball. Another favorite: pulsing superman (or superwoman to be politically correct). Pulse for 15 reps then hold the contraction for another 15 seconds. Another favorite that hits a multi group of muscles is single leg deadlift with a dumbbell or kettle bell. Lastly one of my favorites in my current program is sumo deadlift wide stance. Make sure you take your time and go down all the way, then pull up slowly squeezing those muscles...even though your quads are the main group it still works the lower back too. So there are just a couple of my favorites forworking your ever-important lower back!

Adam Teplitz: One of the easiest parts of the body to injure is the lower back. To significantly lessen the chance of injuring your lower back , while increasing it's strength, consider incorporating these exercises into your strength training routine.

1) Hyper-Extensions
Lie face down with your stomach supported on a bench or stability ball. Anchor your feet. With your body straight , cross your arms in front of you or place them behind your head. Start to bend forward slowly at the waist , as far as you can go while keeping your back flat. Slowly raise back up to the initial position without rounding your back.

2) Bridge
personal trainer Sean Sullivan doing a Bridge

Start on your back with your knees bent and your feet about hip width apart. Drive your heels into the mat while you elevate your hips towards the ceiling. Complete reps or hold the position at the top.

3) Plank
This is perfect for people that suffer from lower back pain. The risk of injury is minimized due to your body being in a stable position. Start by placing your elbows directly under your shoulders. Elevate your hips , supporting your body only with your forearms and toes. Maintain a neutral spine throughout.

By consistently  incorporating these exercises into your routine, you will maintain a strong , lower back , which in turn, helps to maintain a strong overall core.

Brooke Kratche:  Working out your lower back is extremely important! It can help you avoid back pain but if you do them incorrectly, it can also lead to back pain. For that reason I will tell you the deadlifts and similar lifts will strengthen this area but I will not recommend doing them unless your trainer can show you correct form and assure you that you are doing them well.  Two exercise you can absolutely do on your own though are stability ball back raises and supermans. The first of the two involves resting your stomach on the stability ball and your feet on the ground. You'll want a wide base for balance purposes. Simply lift your torso up and down, bending at the hips. The second involves lying face down on the ground. Lift you thighs and feet off the ground as well as your shoulders, chest, and arms. Simply hold this pose for 30 seconds or pulse up and down! Mix it up and have fun!

Steven Madden: If you want to focus on your lower back, the whole deadlift family will help. Warming up with some Kettle Bell swings will get everything; including the lower back ready to move. Traditional deadlifts and Romanian Deadlifts will directly target the lower back, while Stiff-led Deadlift will recruit the lower back for support and stabilization. The Rack Pull is the Deadlift without the leg portion of the move, so you'll start right away with the back. Some Goodmornings will help you finish off your lower back.

© 2016 Fitness Together, Inc. All Rights Reserved.   

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

What is Your Favorite Cheat Meal, and How Do You Plan For It?

Trainer Tuesdays

Welcome back to the weekly edition on Trainer Tuesdays. Make sure to check in at our blog every Tuesday evening to learn the expertise of our great staff. Aside from being fantastic exercise coaches, they are also extremely knowledgeable in many aspects of health and fitness; so, it's time that you get to know them a little better! Each week, we will post a frequently asked, or sometimes just a fun fitness related question followed by the answers of each of the trainers at Fitness Together Brecksville.

What is Your Favorite Cheat Meal, and How Do You Plan For It? 

Adam Teplitz: Everyone loves a good cheat meal. My go to cheat meal would have to be a Swenson's cheeseburger, with a side of onion rings and a diet coke. Making the 40 minute drive to the original Swenson's in Akron has been a family tradition for years.

Preparation is key. I exercise before the meal for damage control. It could be 30 minutes of high intensity interval training or 45 minutes of intense strength training.
Numerous studies have shown that exercise before a meal can increase the respiratory quotient ( the measure of the mix of all fuels burned.)  They also show that preceding a meal with exercise can prevent a shift to carbohydrates being burned for fuel. In turn, more fat will be burned for energy.
It's important not to let a cheat meal discourage you. It can be used as a reward for the hard work you've been putting in. Just remember to minimize the effects by getting in an exercise session beforehand.

Steven Madden: I don't plan for a cheat meal per se. Deciding to workout extra for a cheat meal kind of misses the point of a cheat meal, and can lead to the problem of seeing it as a reward, rather than a cheat, a dangerous distinction to make. The only real way I plan my cheat meal is that it is on payday. My wife and I get some local Chinese food and sit and watch The Big Bang Theory on DVD. I just remind myself that it is cheating, not some kind of earned reward.

Brooke Kratche: If you even skimmed our blog last week you would see how important nutrition is to staying healthy.  That being said, eating a bit  unhealthy here and there won't kill you.  Good news right?! It is important, however that you do not make a habit out of it.  For me, I love chicken wings! Take me to Buffalo Wild Wings and I'll spend all afternoon with a bucket Asian Zing chicken wings.  I'll wear the evidence of it on my face and under my fingernails (it's an excellent place for a first date).  Chicken wings are not my diet though, they are a special treat for me.  Maybe it is a huge Ohio State game or day full of March Madness or simply a fun Sunday date but it is not a diet staple.  Cheat meals should be fun! Work hard all week long then go out with friends and make a fun outing your cheat meal.

Lisa Clark:  Everyone likes to engage in a meal that is out of this world delicious and far from nutritious. The key is to not make it an every day occurrence and to plan for it to avoid guilt feelings and weight gain. My favorite cheat meal is pizza, BBQ chicken pizza with bacon! I just plan to eat a few less calories at each meal and snack throughout the day to accommodate and I make sure I get in a good workout on that day! Don't ever skip meals or snacks in order to allow you to eat a large cheat meal. Doing so will actually have the opposite effect as your body will slow down its metabolism and then will take longer to burn that meal. 

Mike Roberto: My favorite cheat meal is pizza.  The way I plan my cheat meal is that I usually have a slice or three on days when I am not at the gym, usually on rest days.  That way, I feel rewarded after a tough week at the gym and keeps my diet in check by enjoying food I don't normally during the week.

© 2016 Fitness Together, Inc. All Rights Reserved.   

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

What Should I do if I'm Not Getting Results From Exercise?

Trainer Tuesdays

Welcome back to the weekly edition on Trainer Tuesdays. Make sure to check in at our blog every Tuesday evening to learn the expertise of our great staff. Aside from being fantastic exercise coaches, they are also extremely knowledgeable in many aspects of health and fitness; so, it's time that you get to know them a little better! Each week, we will post a frequently asked, or sometimes just a fun fitness related question followed by the answers of each of the trainers at Fitness Together Brecksville.

What Should I do if I’m Not Getting Results From Exercise?

Just Because You're Working Out, Doesn't Mean It's Working
Brooke KratcheYou've been working hard for weeks, even months, and the results are not coming? How do all those people on T.V. make it look so easy? Don't worry, it's not just you, you are not going insane, it happens a lot. So let's talk about how to get past this.  Let's take this on from two different angles. First, let's talk about your diet! Everything you eat is fuel for your body to move, function properly, and recover from your workouts.  When you begin to switch your mindset on the purpose of food you will begin to ask the right questions and make better choices for food.  That is a good time to schedule an appointment with our Nutrition Together team.  They will help you make a plan that is right for you.  The right diet could be the missing piece for your body.

Already working with Nutrition Together? Could be time to switch up your workout! Let us know about your concerns and we will be glad to switch things up a bit.  Your body can adapt to the demands you put on it becoming more and more efficient as you continue to work hard.  Therefore, we need to shock it back into work! By switching things up we are forcing the body to work differently, in a way it has not adapted to. 

Still have concerns? Talk to one of us and we are happy to work with you to develop a personalized solution!

Adam Teplitz: There are a number of factors that could contribute to lack of results from an exercise program.

1) You're not working hard enough.
It's always beneficial to slowly increase the intensity and push yourself harder. You have to regularly push yourself beyond your fitness comfort zone.

2) You're working out too hard.
It's important to balance your training days with your rest days. Get plenty of sleep each night.

3) You haven't changed your diet or nutrition habits.
Exercise is great, but if you're not eating a nutritious diet with the appropriate amount of calories, it could be all for nothing. Consider signing up for Nutrition Together to maximize your exercise routine.

4) You sit all day
Even if you workout regularly, what you do for the rest of the day is just as important. Try to work more activities into all areas of your life. Go for a walk after dinner; choose to stand whenever possible; take the stairs.

Follow these tips to feel better, have more energy and achieve the workout results you want and deserve.

Justin Traft: A question many clients may ask or come in with is what should they do if they’re not getting results. Well there are a couple of things you should think about or consider. One, is your routine different or are you just doing same movements. Most successful people go with 6 weeks for a program and then change it up. This causes muscle confusion and the body to adapt. It keeps the body guessing what's next. Number two would be your diet…it's pretty much everything. Quote this forever: "You can’t out-train a bad diet!”. When I lost all of my weight, diet was key to seeing any results from my hard work. Three, always be willing to do some kind of cardio. It's a big player when it comes to continuous weight loss. Weight training alone won't do it. Four, make it fun when you can. Variety is the spice of life. Mix it up. Example: one day maybe do a workout outside when weather permits or with a friend to give you that extra motivation you make be lacking.

Are you feeling frustrated from your exercise routine not working? Call Fitness Together
Kelly Bailey: If you're not getting great results from exercise, there are a few avenues that need to be explored. I would start with nutrition. Try tracking your diet for a few days. This is very telling, and nine times out of ten is where people need to focus more effort. If your nutrition strategy is in line, the next thing to do is get really honest about your workouts. Are you really pushing yourself hard enough? Exercise is uncomfortable. It's extremely important to come into workouts mentally prepared to give it your all. You need to push your body to that sweet spot: close to its limit, but not past. That's where you're going to see changes because it forces your body to make adaptations. Lastly, if you know your nutrition is good and you're working as hard as you can during your workouts, you need to assess whether you may be OVER-DOING exercise. If you are chronically stressed or sleep-deprived, you will be unable to recover from hard exercise. This can cause hormonal imbalance, fatigue, susceptibility to illness, and even weight gain. If it seems like you're constantly tired, irritable, and you're not recovering as quickly as you used to from your workouts, try taking a little time off from heavy workouts and focus on allowing your body some recovery time.

Lisa Clark: In order to get results from exercise, you have to regularly push yourself beyond your fitness comfort zone. Whether you increase the frequency, intensity, or duration of your workouts, you have to switch it up. Not sure where to start? Try adding an extra day of cardio onto your routine, testing out a new group exercise class at the gym, adding another loop around your walking track, or bumping up the incline and speed on the treadmill. Remember, when it comes to exercise, change is good—and that change should be challenging!  Also if you can't seem to see those muscles you're trying to build or you aren't losing weight start logging your food to see how many calories you're eating a day. If you're regularly eating more than you should (it just takes an extra 100 calories a day to gain an extra pound a month), then try choosing lower calorie versions of your favorite foods and slowly decreasing your caloric intake until you're at the right level! On the flip side of that, if you find that you are consuming too few calories, that can also slow your metabolism and keep you from shedding those unwanted pounds. 

© 2016 Fitness Together, Inc. All Rights Reserved.   

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

What is Unique about Your Personal Training Style?

Trainer Tuesdays

Welcome back to the weekly edition on Trainer Tuesdays. Make sure to check in at our blog every Tuesday evening to learn the expertise of our great staff. Aside from being fantastic exercise coaches, they are also extremely knowledgeable in many aspects of health and fitness; so, it's time that you get to know them a little better! Each week, we will post a frequently asked, or sometimes just a fun fitness related question followed by the answers of each of the trainers at Fitness Together Brecksville.

What is Unique About Your Personal Training Style?

Justin Traft: What's is unique about my training style? Well I have to first say I wouldn't be the personal trainer I am without some support and tips for my boss Sean. When I came into the industry he had already been training a couple of years. He took me under his wing and always gave me feedback—good or constructive-- to help build what I am today.  That I am appreciative of! I would classify my style as aggressive… anyone who trains with me knows I don't baby anyone. I don't scream at you or put you down; but when you’re in my suite for 45 minutes I am going to get your very best! Most clients don't even think it's possible to do certain exercises but I make them believe in themselves first and then the result start coming. My favorite saying is "mind over matter". Apply it in what you do and you will surprise yourself. I can switch gears easily from HIIT to heavy resistance training. I enjoy it all. I love the fitness career.

Michael Roberto: What makes my training style unique is the interaction.  I do my best to make funny comments to distract the client from the monotony of exercise and make it more enjoyable.   

Adam Teplitz: As a personal trainer, I pride myself in having certain unique traits that encompass my personal training style.

The worst trainers in the world are the ones who constantly talk. Great trainers listen. I make sure to take the time to listen to my clients' feedback throughout the workout. If there is an exercise my clients like/dislike, I'll make adjustments to their fitness program accordingly.

Patience is one of the more vital traits that I have. Fitness is a journey. There are obstacles, frustrations and setbacks along the way. I take this into consideration with every client. One of the more difficult aspects of training is balancing patience with a motivating attitude. This is a skill I incorporate into every session.

As someone with a genuine, selfless side, I put myself in the shoes of all of my clients. I understand that beginning a fitness journey is anything but easy. My training style emphasizes the 'personal' in personal training.

AmandaRicci: My personal training style is unique in that a lot of the exercises that I design resemble functional movements, or movements that you engage in during everyday life.  For example, lifting a heavy box to place it on the shelf, shoveling snow, reaching under the car seat to grab an item that you misplaced, or reaching to the backseat to grab that bottle that your baby dropped, and many more. We move in more than one plane of motion (different directions).  From the time we are children we crawl; play hop scotch; red rover, red rover send Robby over; and climb on the jungle bars.  Therefore we are building and using more muscles.  As we age we are lucky if we walk forward or backward, and forget about walking side to side.  This is part of the reason why we stop gaining muscle and start losing it.  It is because our body stops using the muscles that we used when we were kids.  This leads not only to muscle loss but also increases your risk of injury.   It is imperative that we regain that muscle strength because I firmly believe that a body in motion stays in motion and once we stop moving it can lead to decrepit joints and muscles. Therefore, I take a functional movement approach to help individuals regain that strength and build muscle everywhere!!

© 2016 Fitness Together, Inc. All Rights Reserved.