Welcome back to the weekly edition on Trainer Tuesdays. Make sure to check in at our blog every Tuesday evening to learn the expertise of our great staff. Aside from being fantastic exercise coaches, they are also extremely knowledgeable in many aspects of health and fitness; so, it's time that you get to know them a little better! Each week, we will post a frequently asked, or sometimes just a fun fitness related question followed by the answers of each of the trainers at Fitness Together Brecksville.
What Can I Give Out On Halloween
Instead of Candy That Kids Will Actually Like?
Adam Teplitz: There are plenty of healthy
alternatives to candy for Halloween. Different flavors of popcorn are always a
good option. Individual packages of fruit or applesauce , even pudding is a
better alternative than candy. Other options are little packets of organic
raisins , low sugar granola bars , low sugar trans fat free cookies from health
stores, pretzels , cheese sticks , fruit bars, homemade fruit sweetened cookies,
and plain dark chocolate. There's no reason why kids can't have an enjoyable
AND healthy Halloween.
Bronson Rotaru: Some
better choices to hand out for this Halloween would include mini pretzels, or
fruit snacks from Annie's (or another quality brand like that). If you must
hand out candy, try reading the ingredients and choose products with natural

Monika Cotter: There are many other alternatives in lieu of the usual
Halloween candy sugar rush. Some of the options are individual size bags of
popcorn or pretzels which have less sugar and are lower in fat. Other options are
pencils, erasers or stickers that can be bought at the dollar store or in the
dollar bins at Target. As the mother of a nine year old daughter, I know she
loves to get little trinkets like that in her trick-or-treat bag. Enjoy your
Halloween and try not to eat too much candy!
Steven Madden: Halloween
is around the corner and it's time to decide what you are going to hand
out. There is the usual chocolate, but
what if you want to give them something healthy? What could you give them that they would
actually like? Well, there are always
raisins, but I don't really remember anyone wanting to hit the house that was
handing out raisins. Then there are
whole apples, but due to some unfounded urban legends, people tend to throw
those out. I am a fan of the small bags
of pretzels personally, I liked them as a kid and I like them now. You could always hand out some quarters too,
hoping they're not spent on candy, but good luck. Maybe fruit snacks are a good idea, as they
are at least made with some fruit juice and usually fortified with at least vitamin
C. Packets of peanuts and cashews may
also make a nice alternative too. Just
please don't hand out tooth brushes and floss.
Lisa Clark: Check back for Lisa’s answer later
Bailey: I think Halloween is an opportunity to teach kids about moderation...but
that this is a job best saved for the parent. When I was a kid, I
remember disliking the people that gave out apples or popcorn balls or,
heaven forbid, toothbrushes! Now, as the parent of a four-year-old, as
much as I don't like to see her eating sweets, I know that I'm the one
who controls how much and when she consumes those treats. If you must
give out something "healthy", try non-food items like stickers or
temporary tattoos. Otherwise, enjoy giving out a sweet treat knowing
that Halloween happens only once a year!
Taynee Pearson: Check back for Taynee’s answer later
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