Welcome back to the weekly edition on Trainer Tuesdays. Make sure to check in at our blog every Tuesday evening to learn the expertise of our great staff. Aside from being fantastic exercise coaches, they are also extremely knowledgeable in many aspects of health and fitness; so, it's time that you get to know them a little better! Each week, we will post a frequently asked, or sometimes just a fun fitness related question followed by the answers of each of the trainers at Fitness Together Brecksville.
What is your Favorite Thanksgiving
Meal Food and how do you Plan for the Extra Calories?
**Don't Forget to join us as we Burn The Bird on Thanksgiving morning. Meet at Fitness Together Brecksville at 8:00am for coffee, tea and group stretching before we hit the Brecksville Metroparks trail for a morning run and/or walk**
Bailey: I have to be honest in saying that I don't typically
plan to compensate for calories consumed on Thanksgiving. The main reason is
because I don't really find the food at the Thanksgiving meal all that special
or tempting. I like turkey, could take or leave the mashed potatoes
and gravy, and hardly consider pumpkin pie a dessert! I don't usually overdo
the Thanksgiving meal. However, if you asked me the same question about
Christmas, you'd get an entirely different answer. The cakes, cookies, and a
few other family favorites are things I find irresistible, so I
nearly always overeat at Christmas. I just make sure that I'm eating
as clean as possible leading up to Christmas day. On Christmas day, I
don't skimp on calories during the day, because that usually leads me to eat
more at the main meal because I'm starving. I also normally do not work
out on the day of a holiday, but I do try to take walks both before and
after the main meal. Lastly, I go right back to my
regular exercise and clean eating schedule the day after the holiday.
Leftovers get fed to the dog and chickens!

Monika Cotter: Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays! I love getting
together with family & friends to sit around playing games, cooking and
watching football. Another reason why it is one of my favorite holidays is because
I love green bean casserole! I love the crunchiness and the creaminess. Since
Thanksgiving is an eating holiday (as most of them are) I always make sure that
I eat light, healthy and clean in the days leading up to Thanksgiving; and I
make sure I do some kind of workout in the morning. I try not to get too out of
control at dinner. I put my fork and knife down between each bite and I always
drink of glass of water right before we eat to help feel fuller faster. I hope
everyone has a safe and happy Thanksgiving!
Bronson Rotaru: My
favorite Thanksgiving foods are pumpkin pie and mashed potatoes. I don't eat
whipped cream anymore so that helps with the calorie intake. I also use very
little gravy with potatoes. I try to eat balanced and healthy year round so I
don't panic about bringing in some extra calories from meals like Thanksgiving.
I'm a believer in eating some junk here and there in order to stay with the
goal of clean eating the majority of the time. It's a good idea to indulge
sometimes. The key is to limit your snacks.
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