Tuesday, August 11, 2015

What is the best time of day to workout and why?

Trainer Tuesdays

Welcome back to the weekly edition on Trainer Tuesdays. Make sure to check in at our blog every Tuesday evening to learn the expertise of our great staff. Aside from being fantastic exercise coaches, they are also extremely knowledgeable in many aspects of health and fitness; so, it's time that you get to know them a little better! Each week, we will post a frequently asked, or sometimes just a fun fitness related question followed by the answers of each of the trainers at Fitness Together Brecksville.

What is the best time of day to workout and why?


Maria Kolodziej: I think the best time to work out each day is personal to each individual. Our neuralgic make ups are different and this plays a role in when we are best suited to be active. I am a morning person. Therefore I have to get my workout in before my professional day starts or I know it won't happen. There are some days I get up 4:45AM to fit it in. My friends think I'm crazy. Others I know workout at 9PM after they put their kids their bed. This to me is crazy as I am completely spent by that time of day. Point being, as long as it gets done I don't think there is a "best" time to work out. If you make fitness a priority in your life, you will find the time that works for you. 

Adam Teplitz:  The ideal time of day to exercise can be influenced by many factors. There's no reliable evidence that suggests calories are burned more efficiently at certain times of day. However, the time of day can influence how you feel when exercising. The most important thing is to choose a time of day you can stick with, so exercise becomes a habit. If you have trouble with consistency , morning may be the best time to exercise. Research suggests in terns of performing a consistent exercise routine, individuals who exercise in the morning tend to do better. This is due to the fact that they get their exercise in before other time pressures interfere. There are some exceptions though. For some individuals, the evening is better due to the fact that you're not fighting your body like you are in the morning. Whether it be morning, afternoon of evening, the important variable to keep in mind is to stick with a consistent routine.

Justin Traft: A lot of clients always ask starting off ‘what’s the best time to workout’. Some studies have shown that during morning workouts typically you have more energy to push. Reason being because you’re fresh from a night of recovery and sleep. My personal take I have done both. I like both. It really comes down to what works best for you and your schedule. If you’re an early morning person then by all means mornings may be your thing. Some people like to de-stress at the end of the day by getting in a good ole fashion sweat fest to clear their mind of the work day. So really once again it depends what works best for you. When you feel you can bring your very best energy to your workout.

Taylor Burns: The best time of the day to workout is a time when you feel at your best, both physically and mentally. I would recommend the afternoon/evening because your body has been able to digest much of the food already in the system and use it as energy. It can be hard to schedule for some during these times due to other commitments like work and school. 


Steven Madden: If you want to get technical, there are many studies that suggest the optimal time to work out is in the morning, mostly within a few hours of waking up.How soon after waking up depends on if you are doing cardio or resistance training.  However, we often don't have the control over our own schedule to make this a reality.  That is when I say, don't worry about studies and get your workout in whenever it fits your schedule.  The best time to workout for you then is whenever you get your workout in.  Because the workout at different times every day is still better than the workout you don't do at all.

Kelly Bailey: Some studies show that weight training is best done in the afternoon because the body is warm and ready to move, and you've had lunch and will soon have dinner, which is great nutrient timing for weight lifting. However, personal preference plays a much bigger role in exercise timing. I personally do morning workouts because a.) I'm a morning person, and b.) I know that as my day gets hectic, I'm less and less likely to make time for fitness. So the old cliché goes in this instance: the best time for a workout is whatever time you are most likely to stick with on a consistent basis!

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