Welcome back to the weekly edition on Trainer Tuesdays. Make sure to check in at our blog every Tuesday evening to learn the expertise of our great staff. Aside from being fantastic exercise coaches, they are also extremely knowledgeable in many aspects of health and fitness; so, it's time that you get to know them a little better! Each week, we will post a frequently asked, or sometimes just a fun fitness related question followed by the answers of each of the trainers at Fitness Together Brecksville.
What Was Your Favorite
Success Story From a Client You Worked With This Year?

because there are so many different goals to work towards. Hearing clients' success stories is one of the reasons why I love my job so much-it is so rewarding to know that you're making an impact in someone's life.
My favorite success story from this year is from a client who has been overcoming an eating disorder. This was a first for me as a trainer and I had to change my training style quite drastically. My client came in very self-conscious and unsure how working with a trainer would be.
Their success story is different, because they have been successful in eating! It's not always about the scale, or measurements, or strength gains. Sometimes it's all about the mind and overall outlook on life that lifting provides.
However, as much as I love hearing about client's successes, all success starts with one person: You!
Yes, us trainers are here to provide encouragement and support, but it means nothing if you don't follow through or take the initiative to begin in the first place.
I look forward to hearing many more client successes in the new year!
Justin Traft:
One of my favorite success stories of one of my clients this year was a
lady I train typically three times per week. She recently had a son and wanted
to get back to her original weight that she had weighed prior to having
children. The experiences of training her could not have went better. Since day
one she bought into to everything I shared with her as far as tips and
exercises I thought would give her the most success. She worked hard during her
training sessions. After a couple nutritional pointers she even began to change
her diet for the better. Needless to say she has lost all her pregnancy weight
and still is coming in on a weekly basis to strive for her next goal. It was an
awesome reward to see her work so hard and see the changes week in and week out.
It feels great to look back and know you were a part of changing someone's life
for the better!
Adam Teplitz:
My clients are constantly attaining goals each session. There's one specific
success story that stands out for me this year though.
I have been working with this one client in particular since I started
at Fitness Together over four years ago. Initially, she lost 40 pounds.
Subsequently, her weight fluctuated for a while. This year, she was able to get
back to her goal weight. The perseverance she showed was second to none. It's
those types of clients that make my profession truly rewarding. Each session, a
barrier was broken. It was truly gratifying to see her exceed her own
expectations and reach new heights in her fitness journey.
Steven Madden: My favorite
client success story of the past year, is that I had a client who started very
de-conditioned and had some physical limitations, who after a little bit of
work is know able to box as part of the workout and they love it.
Lisa Clark: Success as a trainer comes in many different forms.
It isn't always about how much weight a client loses. Sometimes it is giving a
client more confidence, improving their quality of life, helping them to
achieve personal goals, etc. I think my biggest success story this year would
have to be helping a client come back after an injury where they lost a lot of
strength, endurance, gained quite a bit of weight back and lost confidence.
After several weeks of encouragement they returned to the gym and since that
time has taken the weight they had gained off and lost even more, they gained
back their strength, endurance and best of all their confidence is stronger
than ever!
AmandaRicci: I began training a client who
had some initial skepticisms about personal training, and how it could help her
in improving her lifestyle and postural imbalances. She previously worked
out on her own at a gym, but she had reached a plateau in her training and
wasn’t continuing to get the results that she wanted. This client also had pain
when climbing stairs and when walking. After training with her for a few
months the pain in her lower body decreased and she started walking better and
feeling better than she had in years. She told me that I saved her
life. My client told me that I added years onto her life, and I had
helped her increase her energy level and stamina. Since she was
progressing so well I encouraged her to participate in a challenge that the gym
was having at the time to keep her motivated. By doing so, she continued
to decrease her body fat percentage, increased muscle tone, and decreased her
pain level, thus winning the
challenge at the local level!!
Michael Roberto: I have been
working at Fitness Together for only two months so I do not have a good success
story from a client I have trained. All I can say is that I am happy to
help my client's by extra encouragement, motivation and the occasional push
they need to achieve their goals.
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