Trainer Tuesdays
Welcome back to the weekly edition on Trainer Tuesdays. Make sure to check in at our blog every Tuesday evening to learn the expertise of our great staff of expert personal trainers. Aside from being fantastic exercise coaches, they are also extremely knowledgeable in many aspects of health and fitness; so, it's time that you get to know them a little better! Each week, we will post a frequently asked, or sometimes just a fun fitness related question followed by the answers of each of the personal trainers at Fitness Together Brecksville.
If You Were Elected Personal Trainer of the United States, What Policies Would You Implement to Make America Healthy Again?
Brooke Kratche: If I were Personal Trainer of the United States I would create a junk
food tax. This would go to most processed food in the hopes that it
would become more economical to eat healthy. Secondly, I would encourage
health insurance companies to provide lower rates or rebates to people
who wear fitness monitors and regularly meet 10,000 steps a day. Many
companies already provide this incentive but to get everyone on board I
would provide them with tax cuts.
Mike Roberto: If I were the personal trainer for the entire United States, I would implement the following:
1. put a tax on snack foods so people would buy more fruits and vegetables, as well as peanuts.
2. lower the cost of all gym memberships to make it affordable. Also implement a two week trial across every gym.
3. Along with the State of the Union address the president makes, I will host a follow along workout right before the address so that the U.S. can get a little more fit.
These would be the major things I would do to make America get back in shape.
Amanda Ricci: If I was the personal trainer of the United States, there are several
actions that I would take in order to make America healthy again.
I would start by making changes in the schools. One of the first
things that I would do is provide education to children, at a young age
about healthy eating. It is easier to eat healthier when someone is
younger than try to break an adult of bad habits. Therefore, I would
add a horticulture class into the curriculum of all students from 1st
grade.through high school across the United States. This would serve to
eliminate what is known as food deserts. The farm bill of 2008,
identifies a food desert as "locations in the U.S. with restricted
access to nutritious and affordable food. These areas are mainly lower
income communities and neighborhoods" (USDA, ERS, 2009). Due to this
limited access to healthy food it causes not only problems with good
nutrition but also an increased risk of diseases such as: diabetes,
heart disease, premature death, hypertension as well as obesity.
Therefore, each school would have a garden, and it would be taken care
of solely by the students. As the children progressed in age, the
classes would become more advanced. They would participate in growing
the fruit and vegetables, and learn about the nutrients and why it is
important to eat a variety of fruits and veggies. It would also be
mandatory that the students take classes such as: home economics and gym
class.. This way they would be able to learn how to prepare the fruits
and vegetables with different meals, and each student would be making
their own lunch for the day. During the gym class the children would
learn how to play different sports and also build their
cardio-respiratory endurance.
The second change I would make
would be in the work place. All employers would be required to include
an additional 20 minute break for all employees During this time,
there would be several different classes available to them such as:
stretching and flexibility, or cardio. Employees would only get paid if
they participated in one of the classes offered.
third change I would make would be with the fast food industry. I would
make it mandatory for them to list the number of calories of each item
on their menu right on the wrapper of whatever the person is eating.
This way individuals would be able to see the nutritional info prior to
eating their meal.
Finally, the last change I
would make would be to take away the power from corporations such as
Walt Disney, Nestle, Kelloggs, and General Mills who took away the
bottom line from the "Let's Move" movement by Michelle Obama in 2010.
More information about that movement can be found on the documentary
"Fed Up", which was written and produced by Stephanie Soechtig.
I know these sound like a lot of changes. However, this is what I
feel would be necessary to make America healthy again!!!

Justin Traft: If I was personal trainer of the United States what polices would I
enact. First I'd start off by making junk food no longer available in
schools. Also, I'd make sure school children had more time for recesses
at school. Then I'd raise junk for prices. I'd makes it so all citizen
have a opportunity to workout by making community fitness centers open
24 hrs to fit everyone schedule. I'd goes as far as cracking down on
manufacturers that claim they're fit choice by making they post all
ingredients used this way people can make a more informed healthy
Heather Plucinski: I would allow that all gym memberships and personal training packages could be tax deductible (currently only a physician referral with certain conditions can be used). This way it would give an incentive for people to spend money on health and fitness; or private health insurance rebates for all paid expenses to personal training and gym membership packages.
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