Tuesday, November 12, 2013



Welcome back to the weekly edition on Trainer Tuesdays. Make sure to check in at our blog every Tuesday evening to learn the expertise of our great staff. Aside from being fantastic exercise coaches, they are also extremely knowledgeable in many aspects of health and fitness; so, it's time that you get to know them a little better! Each week, we will post a frequently asked, or sometimes just a fun fitness related question followed by the answers of each of the trainers at Fitness Together Brecksville.

Where should I start strength training if I’m intimidated by weights?:

If you are intimidated by starting a strength training regime, first off, start with a plan of attack. What I mean
Fitness Together Brecksville trainer Justin Traft with a strength training client
by that is to determine what do you want to accomplish/achieve and in what time frame. Second, when starting off, use bodyweight movement exercises or resistance tubing with basic movements. The sets and reps that you complete will vary depending on your goals. Usually 12-15 reps is adequate for someone who is just starting. Anything too high may cause sloppy form at the end of the set. Use lighter resistance to learn proper form and technique before advancing. This will help your body start to adjust to working out and get it conditioned for workouts with heavier weights to prime your muscles. The more you improve your technique and form, the more confident you will become when working out; and in yourself as well. Third, when you start to make the change over to either machines with weighted plates or dumbbells, make sure you start slow. Use weights that are challenging to you but not overwhelming or discouraging to you. Remember, proper form is everything! Progress comes with time.

Fitness Together Brecksville personal trainer Adam Teplitz working with a strength training clientIf you're intimidated by weights, it is best to start light. Using your own body weight as resistance would be the ideal way to start. Movements such as body weight squats, push-ups and lunges will help you get a feel for resistance training. It will also help to strengthen your core muscles, which you use as a stabilizer for almost every exercise. Eventually you can add medicine balls and resistance bands as well. You want to increase the weight gradually. Free weights such as dumbbells can be added, but you want to remember to start light. Proper form is the most important aspect to strength training.

There are plenty of sites that offer great tutorial videos on the proper form for all resistance exercises. These include bodybuilding.com and acefitness.org.

If you are intimidated by the free weights section at the gym, it's helpful to remember that many people have tunnel vision at the gym, they only notice their own body. There is no reason to be self-conscious.

Free weights can be extremely beneficial. You're recruiting more muscles than you would if you were using machines. It's vital to start light though when you're just beginning a program.

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