Tuesday, December 24, 2013


Trainer Tuesdays

Welcome back to the weekly edition on Trainer Tuesdays. Make sure to check in at our blog every Tuesday evening to learn the expertise of our great staff. Aside from being fantastic exercise coaches, they are also extremely knowledgeable in many aspects of health and fitness; so, it's time that you get to know them a little better! Each week, we will post a frequently asked, or sometimes just a fun fitness related question followed by the answers of each of the trainers at Fitness Together Brecksville.

What’s the Most Memorable Holiday Gift You’ve Ever Received?


Honestly there are a couple of them that stand out, but the one I'm thinking of came from a client at Fitness Together. I had worked with the guy one other time, and the second time he came in to work with me was the Saturday before Christmas. Before we started he handed me a Christmas card with 100 dollars in it. I thought to myself A) That is amazing for someone to be generous enough to give a 100 dollar gift to someone they have met once before in their life B) This guy must make a lot of money C) I hope one day I can achieve that level of success where I am able to do things like that D) I am really lucky to know the people I do working at Fitness Together. I'll never forget that. Every time the alarm goes off at 6 am on Saturday morning after working all week I never once question whether it is worth it because of the people I get to work with, and the enjoyment I get out of helping them attain their goals. I also feel like the grind of working the extra hours and putting in the extra effort will one day help me achieve the level of success this client has achieved, and will help me do things that client is able to do. 

The most memorable gift I ever received would have to be when I received my diamondback bike for Christmas. Most of my friends had one and I had wanted one for my birthday but never received it. I had mentioned it to my parents a couple of times, but they never really said too much more about it. Well, Christmas rolled around and I was hoping for one. I went to sleep excited on Christmas eve and woke up that morning to see gifts, but no bike. It was a huge let down, so I didn't really care about the other gifts. My brother and sister started to open their gifts. Then my dad was like “I think you should go look in the garage”. I was like “Dad why would I want to look there?” My mom and dad got a nice laugh out of that. Sure enough, I go out the garage and there it sat--- My brand new black diamondback. The joy was overwhelming. My dad even pulled the car out of the garage so I could ride it in there since it was snowing and cold outside. That was one of the best and most memorable gifts.

My most memorable holiday gift would have to be a menorah I received from my grandmother. It wasn't just any menorah, it was in the shape of a piano.  My grandmother attended Juliard and went on to teach piano lessons. Music was her life. The menorah definitely has a more sentimental feeling to it. I still use it to light the candles every year.

When I think of memorable holiday gifts, I think about the time I spent with the ones I love. Of course I have had material blessings over the years, and my parents worked hard to spoil us kids, but I can’t even remember what I received or when exactly I received it. Perhaps back then material things meant something to me, but in retrospect they don’t anymore; so, there isn’t any thing that jumps out in my mind. I remember the conversations at dinner and the joyous expressions on everyone’s faces while being together. My grandpa was an amazing and charming man, and I was just old enough to truly appreciate him before he passed. I remember his last Christmas dinner with us when he said Grace and added “may we all be together again next year.” Fast forward 13 years and my sisters are now both married to the boyfriends that they had over that day. We were all together the next year, including Grandpa-in spirit. So often times, when I shop for gifts, I try to think of ways to spend time together---whether it’s a pair of tickets to a sporting event or a giftcard to a cinema. Last night my grandma, my parents, my sister and I went downtown to see the play Wicked together, which was a holiday treat from my sister. It may sound cliché, but my favorite holiday gift truly is time.  

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