Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Trainer Tuesday: What are Some Good Strategies to Use at the Grocery Store?

Trainer Tuesdays

Welcome back to the weekly edition on Trainer Tuesdays. Make sure to check in at our blog every Tuesday evening to learn the expertise of our great staff. Aside from being fantastic exercise coaches, they are also extremely knowledgeable in many aspects of health and fitness; so, it's time that you get to know them a little better! Each week, we will post a frequently asked, or sometimes just a fun fitness related question followed by the answers of each of the trainers at Fitness Together Brecksville.

What Are Some Good Strategies to Use at the Grocery Store?

Justin Traft: So, everyone has been grocery shopping before in there lives but what are some good strategies to have a healthy shopping trip instead of a shopping trip where you only buy what looks good to you. First of all, make sure you eat something before you go to the grocery store. This will help with not buying what many call impulse shopping... meaning whatever looks good to you at the time because you are so hungry. Second, make a list of the vegetables, whole grains, fruits and  lean meats etc. that you wish to pick up. Having a list will help keep you from straying and not picking up things you don't really need. Third, try to shop the perimeter of the store. Usually the healthier foods are on the outside. A good 95% percent of the time bad foods are placed in the middle of the store and on end caps to get your attention and to get you to purchase them. Fourth, always make sure you make time shop. Don't be in a rush. Make time to read and compare labels. Keep in mind that just because something says it's diet doesn't always mean it's 100% percent healthy for you. There may be too much sodium or too much fat. Or in some cases too much sugar. Avoid foods that contain more than five ingredients, artificial ingredients, or ingredients you can't pronounce. Fifth, always make sure to separate raw meat from fresh produce by using plastic bags to reduce the risk of cross contamination. For more suggestion see a FT trainer who is certified in the Nutrition Together program for ideas.

Adam May: First of all don't grocery shop when you are hungry. You will buy food you want to eat right now and you will buy too much food. Eat before you grocery shop. You also have to think you won't eat junk food if you don't have it. It sounds like common sense, but people just buy too much food that they know is bad for them and then joke about all the junkfood that they have. It's not funny. If you know something is bad for you don't buy it. To change the way you eat you have to change your perception of food. Buy something because it is good for you and it will help you look the way you want, not because of taste. Think when you are shopping "eat for performance, not for pleasure."

Jenn Noggle: We apologize that Jenn’s answers have not been posted recently. While she has participated, the format in which her answers were submitted could not be recognized. Check back at a later date and hopefully we will have the past couple of Trainer Tuesday posts updated with Jenn’s answers.

Steven Madden: Steven is the newest addition to our team at Fitness Together Brecksville, set to start training sessions on the 15th. While he was at the studio training on some of our systems and processes today, I mentioned this blog post to him. His immediate response was “Two quick things come to mind: 1.) Don’t shop when you’re hungry so that you don’t make impulsive decisions; and, 2.) Stick to the perimeter of the store where you will find the healthiest, natural options.”

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