Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Trainer Tuesday: Why is it Easier for Guys to lose Weight Than it is for Women?

Trainer Tuesdays

Welcome back to the weekly edition on Trainer Tuesdays. Make sure to check in at our blog every Tuesday evening to learn the expertise of our great staff. Aside from being fantastic exercise coaches, they are also extremely knowledgeable in many aspects of health and fitness; so, it's time that you get to know them a little better! Each week, we will post a frequently asked, or sometimes just a fun fitness related question followed by the answers of each of the trainers at Fitness Together Brecksville.

Why is is Easier For Guys to Lose Weight Than it is for Women?

Adam Teplitz: Men tend to have it easy when it comes to losing weight. Women struggle and have to go that extra mile. There are a few reasons for this. Men generally have more muscle than women.  This gives them a higher metabolic rate , which enables them to burn more calories , even at rest. Women are also predisposed to store and retain fat. The hormone estrogen is more prevalent in women.  The hormone works to keep the fat on a woman's body. Men's bodies also respond quicker to exercise. There are times when women's bodies actually go into starvation from excessive exercise. In addition to this, women have a smaller lung capacity. This leads to women having a lower overall tolerance for exercise than men.

It should be noted, the last thing this should do is discourage anyone. It's important not to compare yourself to others. You should only be competing against yourself. The added challenges should be used as motivation to conquer your goals and barriers.
Kelly Bailey: I often jokingly lament that my husband can cut out something small, like one of the three coca colas he drinks every day, and drop 10 pounds. I have to cut all carbs and refined sugars and it's still a struggle to lose weight. While this is an exaggeration, there is some truth here: men do tend to lose weight more easily than women. The simple reason behind this is that men typically are larger, and because of the hormone testosterone, they also naturally have more muscle mass. This means they burn more calories. "NOT FAIR!" the women cry. The good news for women is that there is something you can do about it: train with weights to increase your lean muscle mass. This will increase your metabolism, making it easier for you to lose weight.
Steven Madden: It's a very simple truth; men loose fat easier than women.  The answer is simply genetics.  Men tend to be bigger than women, and this makes a very big difference.  Since men are bigger, they tend to have more muscle mass to begin with.  Muscle tissue burns fat even at rest.  Since men tend to have more to begin with, it gives them a weight loss advantage.  It is also easier to add more muscle mass when you start with more of it to begin with.  Women, by contrast have a harder time adding a lot of muscle tissue.  This is why trainers tend to focus on building lean muscle tissue with classic exercises and boosting the metabolism through cardio-strength training for women.  While focusing on keeping the metabolism up post workout in women, it can make up some of the difference.
Bronson Rotaru: When it comes to weight loss and men vs women there are a couple main points. 1.) Women typically store more fat than men, the average body fat percentages are higher on a female’s body than a male’s. 2.) Considering the first point males have more muscle mass--- more muscle makes it easier to shed fat. You are actually burning more fat at rest the more muscle mass you have. Lastly, Females tend to store fat in areas like hips and thighs and it can be difficult to lose it, where as a male typically stores fat near their midsection.
Lisa Clark: As unfair as it may appear, men do lose weight easier than women. It is a fact due to physiological differences. Men are larger and have more muscle than women due to the hormone testosterone. Mens higher percentage of muscle allows them to burn more calories per hour than women. 
Taynee Pearson: It is easier for men to lose weight than women due to a few reasons. One reason being that men have a more muscle mass and therfore there metabolism is faster than a women's in general. Secondly men produce more testosterone than women which in turn helps build lean muscle mass faster and decreases body fat. These two reasons are mostly why it is harder for women to lose weight as fast as men.
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