Tuesday, March 10, 2015

In Light of the Arnold Sports Festival in Ohio this past weekend, how have Arnold's contributions to the world of weightlifting impacted your career as a personal trainer?

Trainer Tuesdays

Welcome back to the weekly edition on Trainer Tuesdays. Make sure to check in at our blog every Tuesday evening to learn the expertise of our great staff. Aside from being fantastic exercise coaches, they are also extremely knowledgeable in many aspects of health and fitness; so, it's time that you get to know them a little better! Each week, we will post a frequently asked, or sometimes just a fun fitness related question followed by the answers of each of the trainers at Fitness Together Brecksville.

In light of the Arnold Sports Festival in Ohio this past weekend, how have Arnold’s contributions to the world of weightlifting impacted your career as a personal trainer?

*indicates that this trainer attended the Arnold Sports Festival this year

Statue of Arnold Schwarzenegger in Columbus, OH
Jessie Regula: Arnold Schwarzenegger has made many contributions to the field of fitness, but perhaps one of the most impactful on my career as a personal trainer is that he has encouraged people to change their bodies.  Arnold was the first to make the sport of bodybuilding more acceptable and well-known and has actively worked to promote a healthy and active lifestyle as well as make bodybuilding accessible to anyone.  I feel that, as trainers, we share this same goal.  One of my favorite quotes by Arnold is, "My involvement had a lot to do with the discipline, the individualism, and the utter integrity of bodybuilding. In two or three years I had changed my body entirely. That told me something. If I had been able to change my body that much, I could also, through the same discipline and determination, change anything else I wanted, I could change my whole outlook on life." This is what I strive to show my clients--that exercise can bring about many different benefits and will definitely change your life.

*Adam Teplitz: When you think of weightlifting , the first name that always comes to mind is Arnold. His unprecedented determination to create the perfect physique has always motivated me to do the same. As a trainer , I'm passing that same motivation along to my clients.
One of Arnold's six rules to success is 'don't be afraid to fail.'  This rule resonates with my approach that I take with my clients. I apply this philosophy to myself and to my clients.

Steven Madden: The thing that I personally like the most about Arnold's contribution to fitness is personality.  Prior to Arnold entering the world of competition weight lifting, most participants were introverts unwilling, or uncomfortable with speaking in interviews.  Then along comes Arnold, and even with his thick accent, he was very enthusiastic about talking about his chosen sport.  He helped change the notion that weight lifters are brainless muscle obsessed individuals who only speak in grunts.  Arnold took advantage of the opportunities he was presented with to do radio and television interviews, and became a recognized fitness celebrity, of course six consecutive Mr. Olympia titles always helps.  It was this outspoken attitude and his public recognizability that helped make the transition to film so easy for him.  However, I like that as a fitness personality, he has never advocated that everyone must take his fitness path, he has always encouraged people to maintain healthy bodies, even if that means different body ideals from his.

*Bronson Rotaru: Arnold is the most iconic bodybuilder of all time. He single handedly created a lot of interest in the sport. I credit him for keeping my attention on weightlifting. Strength training with clients is my favorite part of personal training. I believe no matter the gender or experience level, everyone can benefit from it in a big way.

This was as close as Justin Traft got to Arnold this weekend
*Justin Traft: Arnold remains one of the greatest body builders of all time. He made it what it is today-- not just bodybuilding, but fitness in general. He really brought out the trend of working out and set the example that with hard work you really can achieve your goals; not only in fitness but in everything you do-- as long as you work hard at it anything is achievable . I wouldn't say Arnold directly inspired me to become a trainer. My reasoning for becoming a trainer has to with the personal struggles I had to go through as an overweight person when I was younger. Arnold really is a prime example of an individual that never gave up on his dream and in the process made others believe in themselves that their dreams are achievable as well. Fitness and being active is important to all walks of life not just the bodybuilding world.

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