Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Trainer Tuesdays: What can I put in my kids' Easter Baskets besides sugar and chocolate that they will still get excited about?

Trainer Tuesdays

Welcome back to the weekly edition on Trainer Tuesdays. Make sure to check in at our blog every Tuesday evening to learn the expertise of our great staff. Aside from being fantastic exercise coaches, they are also extremely knowledgeable in many aspects of health and fitness; so, it's time that you get to know them a little better! Each week, we will post a frequently asked, or sometimes just a fun fitness related question followed by the answers of each of the trainers at Fitness Together Brecksville.

What can I put in my kids' Easter baskets besides sugar and chocolate that they will still get excited about?

Justin Traft: So Easter is fast approaching us. As with most holidays-- food is involved once again. what can I give my kids that is still tasty but healthy in their baskets. Instead of the normal candy, maybe try some organic treats like fig fruit bars, organic jelly beans by Annie or even organic chocolate peanut butter eggs or organic chocolate bunnies by Lake Champlain. Also, consider maybe a book of their interest, gift cards to there favorite stores or maybe movie passes for a family fun day!
So many of you may be thinking

Bronson Rotaru: Dollar dollar bills y'all--- inside of eggs, of course! That will always get a kid excited.

Jessie Regula: Easter time can be tricky with all of the chocolate bunnies, Peeps, jelly beans, and other tempting sweets. However, there are still many things you can put into an Easter basket without having to worry about your kids getting a sugar rush and excess calories (and they'll still be excited!).  Some healthy snacks that can be included are granola bars, yogurt covered blueberries, dried fruit, trail mix, or popcorn. But an Easter basket doesn't even have to have any snacks in it! Some non-food ideas are coloring books, art supplies, books, games, stuffed animals, or movies, which will last much longer than a pack of Peeps! Hope you have a wonderful, healthy Easter :)

Adam Teplitz: There are plenty of healthy alternatives other than sugar and chocolate that you can fill your Easter basket with. Dried fruit is a healthy option to sweeten the holidays. You can mix and match dried fruits to create your own personalized packs. Choices include dried mangos, figs, cranberries and kiwis. Pretzels are another great option. Whole grain pretzels offer a healthy crunch to the basket. Replacing candy with pretzels means giving the gift of fiber. Bunny shaped graham crackers are another high fiber alternative. Last but not least, a nut mix offers a significant amount of protein to the basket. Popular nut choices include walnuts, almonds, pecans, cashews, hazelnuts and pistachios.

Monika Cotter: To some people---especially kids---Easter means a chocolate bunny, or some other special treat that only comes around once per year. That can be very exciting for them, but there are many other options that you can put in a child’s Easter basket to get them excited and not so hopped up on sugar. When I put my daughter’s basket together I like to put warm weather toys in it. Side walk chalk, jump rope, lawn games and of course everyone’s favorite…bubbles! She is usually more excited to finally get out of the house to play with her new toys then she is about the candy. Some other good options are stickers, puzzles, games, hair accessories and even pencils. I hope everyone enjoys your weekend and has a safe, healthy and happy Easter!

Steven Madden: With Easter coming this weekend, it's time to stock up on Reece's Peanut Butter Eggs.  Of course, you may also be looking for something that isn't sugar and junk.  I always remember the year I received an Animaniacs! T-shirt in my basket.  And while I personally never received one, I have friends who got a movie in with their Peanut Butter Eggs as well.  You could add summer toys like Frisbees, a good yellow or orange one won't clash with the Reece's package.  A little thinking outside the box can lead to a lot of non-junk options.  Also, since you already bought them, but are no longer planning on giving them to your kids, I will dispose of any unwanted Reece's Peanut Butter Eggs for you. 

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