Tuesday, November 3, 2015

What are the benefits of one-on-one vs. small group personal training?

Trainer Tuesdays

Welcome back to the weekly edition on Trainer Tuesdays. Make sure to check in at our blog every Tuesday evening to learn the expertise of our great staff. Aside from being fantastic exercise coaches, they are also extremely knowledgeable in many aspects of health and fitness; so, it's time that you get to know them a little better! Each week, we will post a frequently asked, or sometimes just a fun fitness related question followed by the answers of each of the trainers at Fitness Together Brecksville.

What are the benefits of one-on-one vs. small group personal training?



Jessica Regula: There are many benefits to training whether it's in a small group or one-on-one. Small group training is ideal for beginners who may be intimidated by the idea of being alone with a trainer. Through small group training, you'll have the support of other people who are in the same boat as you and who share similar fitness goals. One-on-one training is ideal for all fitness levels. It will show beginners proper form and help the advanced break through plateaus and experience new things. Either way your trainer is there to support you throughout your entire journey!

Justin Traft: So everyone always ask what's the benefits of one-on-one vs pack group training.  One-on-one has so many great aspects. One, you always have your own 45 minutes with your trainer or trainers of choice. Two, everything done in that 45 minutes is geared exclusively towards sculpting you into the person you want to be. Three, your trainer is your own personal motivator where you can learn to build trust and learn your capabilities. Group training is a great way to meet new people. Possibly make some life friends. Group training is a great way to change the tempo of your training and mix in some great exercise variations. You learn to work with a group of people in different circuits and exercises to achieve a certain time or certain reps. It's a great way to help be a person’s motivator, or just be a support system to help someone who is just becoming familiar with working out. No matter what if it's one-on-one or group training you can always count on having fun in improving yourself physically---whatever your goals may be.

Adam Teplitz: When pursuing a personal training program, there are a couple of routes you can take.
One is small group personal training.
There are many benefits to working in a small group. When people start exercising in a group, they establish relationships and develop friendships with other people in the group. Sharing the workout along with the camaraderie can enhance the experience. In addition to this, there is the extra motivation and support from your fellow group members. Most importantly, the right exercise done with friends can be fun and enjoyable.
The other route you can take is one-on-one training. When working one-on-one with a trainer, the trainer can create a personalized workout, tailored towards your specific goals. Accommodations can be made accordingly. There is also the added benefit of one-on-one instruction to ensure you're using proper form for each exercise movement.
Both avenues offer great results. It all depends on your personal preference and specific goals.

Kelly Bailey: So you've decided you want to feel and look better by adding fitness to your life. You've picked out a facility and now you need to decide whether you want to take group classes or sign up for personal training. Should you choose one-on-one personal training or small group training?

Both types of training offer great workouts. The main advantage to group training is that it usually costs less, and if you are a very social person, it can give you that type of experience. But let's be honest: if you're being social during your workout, how good is your workout?

I highly recommend one-on-one personal training for the following reasons:

1. A good trainer is going to tailor a program that suits your needs and goals, which often equates to faster results.
2. From a trainer's perspective, it's much easier to watch the form (and thus keep you safe from injury) of a single client.
3. Similar to reason #2, if you have any sort of injury or health condition that needs to be carefully managed during exercise, one-on-one training is the way to go!
4. If you have very specific fitness goals, for example, you wish to compete in a body building competition, you will get better and faster results in one-on-one sessions (see reason #1).
5. Many folks are uncomfortable in a group exercise situation, which makes personal training a better fit.
6. You are much more likely to show up if you know your trainer is waiting to see you (and only you) for your scheduled session.

Maria Kolodziej: The benefit to one on one vs. small group training is first and foremost the individualized attention. Your trainer can monitor your needs, form and progress very acutely if you are the only one he/she needs to give their attention to for that 45 minute space of time. It is also much easier to call and cancel a session if you know your trainer will have other clients there to occupy his/her time. The accountability that comes with knowing your training is waiting for you; just you, is unmatched in these one on one sessions. 

Taylor Burns: When deciding whether you want to do one-on-one training or small group training here are a few benefits to each that can help you make the decision of which one will work best for you. One-on-one training gives you the trainer’s undivided attention to make sure you are performing the exercises correctly, create personalized programs to achieve  your goals, you can chose the times that suits you best and have a personal relationship with the trainer. With small group training the trainer does go around to correct form however, you also establish relationships and make friends with other people in the group, keeping each other motivated, work hard and support each other and each workout will be different preventing a plateau and boredom. It can also give you motivation having someone exercising right beside you to push you harder than you would on your own.

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