Tuesday, November 10, 2015

What is a good 15 minute booty blaster workout?

Trainer Tuesdays

Welcome back to the weekly edition on Trainer Tuesdays. Make sure to check in at our blog every Tuesday evening to learn the expertise of our great staff. Aside from being fantastic exercise coaches, they are also extremely knowledgeable in many aspects of health and fitness; so, it's time that you get to know them a little better! Each week, we will post a frequently asked, or sometimes just a fun fitness related question followed by the answers of each of the trainers at Fitness Together Brecksville.

What is a Good 15 Minute Booty Blaster Workout?



Lisa Clark: If I only have 15 minutes and want a great workout for my butt, I have a routine that includes exercises that will hit all three muscles in your rear! This is my go-to routine.....

15-20 squats
15-20 pliƩ squats
Steps ups onto a box or chair 12-15 per leg
15 walking lunges on each leg
20 Donkey kicks per leg
30 jumping split squats
45 seconds of speed skaters
Repeat 2-3 times for a booty busting workout!!

Jessica Regula: Working the booty is one of my favorites! Squats are always effective, but I enjoy doing some Pilates inspired moves for a nice rear view. Here are some of my favorites:
-Donkey Kicks: on all fours on a mat, bend at one knee with a flexed foot and raise up towards the ceiling. Be sure to keep your hips neutral. Switch sides.
-Fire Hydrants: on all fours on the mat, kick legs out to the side (similar to dog with fire hydrant)
-Fire Hydrant Taps: same position as fire hydrant, but with a straight leg going up and down
-Hip Thrusts: lean with your shoulders against a bench and a barbell or plate against your hips, use your hips to push the weight, similar to a bridge motion
-Frogs on bench: lay on a bench with your hips off the edge. Touch your heels together then lift your butt up off the bench.
Repeat multiple times. Not hard enough? Add ankle weights or resistance bands. Enjoy the burn!

Adam Teplitz: When I ask my clients what muscles they want to focus on and strengthen , an overwhelming majority respond with the glutes. If you're short on time , here's a great 15 minute workout to blast the glutes.
Complete it as circuit.
Begin with a bridge. Lie on your back with your knees bent and drive through your heels to lift your hips up. Squeezing the glutes at the top is key.
The next exercise in the circuit is a glute kickback. Begin on all fours and kick your leg straight back.
Following this is a single leg bridge. Same form as a regular bridge, but with one leg extended straight out.
After completing the single leg bridge , continue the circuit with a squat jump. Begin by hinging at the hips until your thighs are parallel to the ground. Extend your legs with force and explode up into a jump.
The last two exercises are sumo squats and an all four legs kick.
Attempt to complete 15 reps per exercise. Always remember to activate the glutes by squeezing the muscle.
This workout is ideal for keeping the heart rate elevated while still receiving that strength component.

Kelly Bailey: I've got news for you: a 15 minute "booty blast" workout will not and cannot take the place of a good diet and workout program if your goal is to get a better behind. To give your butt a better shape, your best bet is to skip this 15 minutes of "spot targeting" in favor of a good workout that includes lifting heavy weights in multi-joint lifts like the squat, deadlift, or lunge. If your rear is covered in a layer of fat, clean eating and good old cardio is the only way you'll uncover the hard work you put in during the heavy lifting. To get a great looking butt, all three things (diet, weight training, and cardio) must be a part of the program!

All that being said, if all you have is 15 minutes, I suggest doing something that can really blast fat, like intervals on a stationary cycle, or a Tabata-style workout. These workouts may not directly target your glutes, but are great ways to lose fat while maintaining muscle.

Maria Kolodziej: 15 minute booty blaster: Do three circuits of the following

1.) Bridge-lay on your back on a mat and bring your bottom up; holding at the top. Abduct the legs open and closed 15 times (place band around your thighs for extra resistance)

2.) Side kicks- get on all fours on a mat. Start with the right leg and extend it all the out until your glute is squeezing at the top. Bring the leg around toward  your head, trying to keep it parallel to the ground. Repeat 10-12 times before switching sides.

3.) Step up to lateral raise- use a step or other elevated surface (the higher the step the better the results). Once at the top, laterally take your leg out to the side perpendicular to your body. Bring legs back together and step down. Repeat 10-12 times on that side before switching to the other side.

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