February is Heart Health Month!
Learn about our new customized cardio prescriptions, meet our new manager, and get an I Heart FT shirt to support the American Heart Association!Ah, yes...February is nearly here, Valentine's Day is coming up and love is surely in the air! I've been married for just over 4 months already and definitely still feeling the romance! But don't forget about the symbol of all of our affection----the heart! That's right, February is Heart Health Month and at Fitness Together we want to do our best to raise awareness to support this cause.
Heart disease is the number one cause of death in the United States, and that is something that we take very seriously as fitness professionals. Many of you may know that my father survived a major heart attack just a couple of months ago! Perhaps you also read our recent success story in Mimi Vanderhaven Newspaper about a 71 year old client named Bob who lost 85 pounds with us this year. If so, you may recall that his turning point before asking for help was surviving a heart attack! I think most of us have been affected by heart disease at some point in our lives. At Fitness Together, we have realized that most fitness professionals have dropped the ball when it comes to properly guiding clients through a safe and effective cardiovascular routine...That's why we're happy to announce the release of our new program, Cardio Together!

I Heart FT Shirts:

**To sign up for the Cardio Together Program and/or to order an I Heart FT Shirt, simply click here and let us know:
A.) Do you want to sign up for Cardio Together
B.) Do you want an I Heart FT Shirt to support the American Heart Association (if so, let us know which size and style)
Our New Manager:

Please make sure that you have your e-mail contacts updated:
Sean Sullivan- SeanSullivan@FitnessTogether.com
Adam Teplitz- FTBrecksville@FitnessTogether.com
As always, please let me know if you have any questions, comments or concerns...
Have a Happy & Healthy Heart Health Month!
Sean Sullivan
Owner, Fitness Together - Brecksville
8251 Chippewa Rd., Brecksville, OH 44141 I 216.212.1956 I fitnesstogether.com/brecksville
Owner, Fitness Together - Brecksville
8251 Chippewa Rd., Brecksville, OH 44141 I 216.212.1956 I fitnesstogether.com/brecksville
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