Hey All, thanks for checking in! Welcome back to our brand new weekly post on Trainer Tuesdays. Make sure to check back to
our blog every Tuesday evening to learn the expertise of our great staff. We
have been very fortunate to keep the same training staff that you have come to
know and love together for a while now, and it's time that you get to know them
a little better! Each week, we will post a frequently asked, or sometimes just
a fun fitness related question followed by the answers of each of the trainers
at Fitness Together Brecksville.
Where Should I Start if I've Never Exercised?
The answer to your question is simple: First, you want to
make sure that you get a physical from your doctor to ensure you can safely start a
fitness regimen. After the doc gives you the okay, determine
what your fitness goals are; in eg: What is your personal reasoning for you to
start exercising? Then, set the table. The best way to do that is
by setting a s.m.a.r.t. goal. This acronym stands for specific , measurable , attainable, realistic and timely. This gives you the best chance of
accomplishing your goals to come. Finally, find what works for
you. The best programs for success always involve a combination of strength training,
cardiovascular and stretching.
When starting to exercise, you want to begin with
bodyweight exercises. Ease into it the basics with movements like regular or
modified pushup, Body weight triceps dips, resistance band
bicep curl or chest press. For the lower body, you can try bodyweight squats, lunges,
and go through the motions without weights for deadlifts to get those muscle stretched.
Cardiovascular wise, try some step ups with half of the blocks or mountain climbers leaning on a bench. Those are just some of the exercises you can use. It may
not seem like much, but you are building a foundation. This will
get you ready for the next stage, strength training. You always want to
start slow, especially since your body is not used to all the physical
activity. The worst move you could make is to do too much too soon and end up hurting
yourself or setting yourself back.
If you have never exercised before, it is important to visit
your doctor first and get a physical so you can safely begin. It is
important to start slow with simple activities such as walking and light
resistance training. Another important step to take is to determine why
you want to start exercising and to set certain fitness goals. These
goals could be as simple as wanting to become more active or something as
specific as wanting to lose a certain amount of weight in a certain time frame.
Great information from the personal trainers. I look forward to these posts.