Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Trainer Tuesdays: What is the Most Effective Way to do Cardio For Fat Loss?

Trainer Tuesdays

Welcome back to the weekly edition on Trainer Tuesdays. Make sure to check in at our blog every Tuesday evening to learn the expertise of our great staff. Aside from being fantastic exercise coaches, they are also extremely knowledgeable in many aspects of health and fitness; so, it's time that you get to know them a little better! Each week, we will post a frequently asked, or sometimes just a fun fitness related question followed by the answers of each of the trainers at Fitness Together Brecksville.

What is the Most Effective Way To Do Cardio For Fat Loss?

**Notice: Always consult your physician before beginning a cardiovascular program to make sure your heart is healthy enough for this type of exercise**


Adam Teplitz: When it comes to cardio and fat loss, there are plenty of opinions and options out there. Here are some tips to follow to maximize your caloric burn during cardio. In general, low intensity cardio is better for building stamina, while short bursts of high intensity exercise are best for fat loss and burning the most calories. You can add a high intensity waking regimen to your exercise routine. Power-walk at a high speed for a minimum of 20 minutes, 3 alternate days per week. Incorporate hills and stairs into the walk so you can engage a combination of muscle groups.

Another option is to jump on the treadmill and engage in a high intensity 5 minute interval workout. Alternate between a high intensity run and a low intensity walk/ jog every 5 minutes. Aim for at least 20 minutes total. It's important to incorporate sprinting exercises into your routines. This will elevate your heart rate further and burn extra calories. You want to focus on the overall amount of calories burned instead of whether you're in the fat burning zone or not.  Maximum calorie expenditure will lead to increased fat loss.

High intensity interval training is the optimum choice when it comes to fat loss.  You burn calories during the workout AND after. This is due to excess post exercise oxygen consumption. Basically, your body burning calories to return to it's normal state. As for the best time to do cardio; you can dedicate a day for only cardio or complete it after your strength training session. Remember to switch up the type of cardio if you want to keep things exciting.

Bronson Rotaru: In my opinion the best time to do cardio is the time when you enjoy it most. Ignore the rules about doing it on an empty stomach, in the a.m. Etc. It's been said recently that those beliefs are not true. A very effective method for fat loss is the HIIT method. High Intensity Interval Training. Rather than walking slower for 1 hr. You should get your heart rate up and down frequently throughout your workout. Doing 20 minutes of this correctly will take you far!! Remember to push yourself. You are supposed to be at an 80%-90% maximum heart rate during this. A slow jog will not suffice, more like sprinting for 30 seconds than walking for 15 etc...

Taynee Pearson: Cardio is important when it comes to weight and fat loss, cardio combined with weight training is the most effective option there is to losing weight. There are many types of different cardio routines you may perform for fat loss but the most effective is high intensity interval training (HIIT). HIIT training should be done for about 20 minutes and it can be performed on any piece of cardio equipment. You want your heart rate to increase to an intense level and then drop it down again, so an example would be running on the treadmill for 60 seconds and walking for 60-90 seconds. Although HIIT training is important, constant cardio is also good for fat loss. An example of constant cardio would be running or going on the elliptical for at least 30-60 minutes, a combination of both types of cardio training would help you increase your fat loss. There are myths about when cardio is more effective for fat loss. There is no set time really that cardio should be done for the most beneficial fat loss. One myth used to be that cardio should be done in the morning before eating anything, well this has been proven to have the opposite effect on the body. Your body needs some energy before doing cardio, so first thing in the morning without eating anything is not the time to do it. If you need to do cardio in the morning, you should consume something small to eat at least 30-45 minutes before your workout. Another time cardio is not really recommended to be done is before a weight training session, this is because our body uses up most of it's energy for cardio and there are minimal amounts left for weight training which in turn could prevent lean muscle mass gains. Another reason to do cardio afterwards is because you don't want to experience fatigue during your weight training session. Cardio should be done after your weight training sessions or even better, it should be performed on days you are not weight training.

Steven Madden: When it comes to cardio, the best form for fat loss is something called High Intensity Interval Training, usually abbreviated as HIIT.  I know a lot of people think spending up to an hour on the treadmill will be the best way to lose weight, but that is just not true.  HIIT training, periods of short periods of intense cardio followed by short periods of rest, allows the body to burn more calories in a shorted period of time that Low Intensity Steady State cardio, or LISS.

There is an added benefit for people who are also trying to put on muscle mass with HITT.  Traditional cardio can break down the amino acids in muscle tissue, making it harder to add more muscle mass.  HITT can actually help you maintain muscle mass gains, and even help adding more by helping to stimulate the release of growth hormone while you sleep.

A drawback of course would be anyone with joint pain, as sprinting up a hill or box jumps can be hard on the joints.  People who are just starting out, will probably require some time to build up their cardio strength before they can complete a full HIIT session effectively as well.  However, it cannot be denied that HIIT is very effective for fat loss.   

Lisa Clark:
With all the fads out there today can become confusing to know the best way to lose stubborn body fat. Is it better to do HIIT? CrossFit? Long duration cardio? The most important part of cardio if your goal is weight-loss, is your intensity. It is a myth that working out harder and longer will burn more fat. Your body will burn more calories however you are using carbohydrates as the primary fuel source as opposed to keeping your heart rate at a lower rate. At that point your body is in an aerobic state and is using fat to fuel it. Wearing a heart rate monitor during activity will help you stay in an aerobic state. How do you know what the proper heart rate is for maximum fat loss? Take 220 and subtract your age. That will give you your maximum heart rate. To be in an aerobic state you want your intensity to be 65 to 85% of your maximum heart rate for 20 to 30 minutes. If you do this three times a week in conjunction with strength training and a well-balanced diet, you can maximize your fat loss.

Monika Cotter: To use cardio most effectively for burning fat I would suggest doing interval training. Interval training can be done in any interval ratio and with any method of cardiovascular exercise. (bike, treadmill, elliptical, swimming, etc.) One of my favorites is running at a faster speed for 2 minutes and then a slow jog for 2 minutes while also adjusting the incline. The best time to do cardio is usually in the morning before you start your day; that way you can have a sense of accomplishment and you can burn more fat when you workout in the morning on an empty stomach (or after you have eaten a light snack).

Kelly Bailey: (check back later for Kelly’s opinion)

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